Saturday, July 4, 2009

Its over? Its over

A question mark really make alot of difference to this phrase .... had a quarrel with her the previous day ... her words make me think that our r/s is over .... feeling very down at the instant when i saw the 'bye' in her msg ...
All the misunderstandings are cleared now ... and the matter is over haha ... will try to improve myself ... but u have to do ur part too :)

Posted by EXG at 11:16 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Want or Need?

Having this job in NTUC Income ... hmm i can say that i quite like the job its comparably more challenging then any other part time jobs i have done so far ... Just watched the Transformer woot the show was great but err dun really think that some pple will understand the show ...
The qn of Want or Need keep flashing in me waiting for ans .....

Posted by EXG at 6:21 PM