Monday, February 16, 2009

Visit to Marina Barrage

Look at the structure behind does it look like a satellite comm center?

Look at her expression ... truly inspiring haha

Is he trying to take the last pic before he jump in the sea and swim??

For your info water that we use comes from the catchment behind her ... no wonder she is so happy haha

My first time visit to the Marina Barrage ... Its quite a nice place but a warning to those who want to visit that place in the day time ... Its very hot ... U can see all the smiles in the pic .... those are for camera effects Haha ... Although its a hot day, i think she really did enjoy the scenery there ba .. took quite a few pictures there ... The Marina Barrage is actually a plant which process waste water to new water ...

Posted by EXG at 5:08 PM

Back in Action

Yes!!! finally i am back in action haha ... has been quite a long time since i update my blog .. what i can say is that ... NO FEEL ... haha but its ok this means tha i will have quite alot to update too ...

Posted by EXG at 4:47 PM