Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Wasn't feeling well ytd .... I really hate this kind of feel ... its like my whole body is not working properly .. Think its a signal that my body needs a rest now ...
Tomorrow is new year eve, 2008 is going to end and what have i achieved this year? I guess nothing much ... feeling so low ... arhhhhhhhhh

Posted by EXG at 8:10 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dinner at Kuishin-Bo

My collegues from Tradehub... Look at our expression .. Hmm the dinner must be very satisfying Haha

Look at the spread on the table ... Arhh!!! My keyboard is wet .. oops mouth watering

Ya my cousin here ... thank her again for helping me setup my blog ...

We had this dinner at Kuishinbo on the Friday night ... hmmm i think its suppose to be the Xmas dinner organised by the counter staff of Learning Hub ... they invited all the full time staff and most of the part timers .. Hows the dinner? The answers are all written on our faces ya Haha .. Had a great night that day ...

Posted by EXG at 1:00 AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Never turn back ....

Did u ever look back? huh? suddnly thought of this question ... Did u ever look back and wave to the person after entering the gantry at a train station? Did u ever look back and wave goodbye to the person after u board the train or bus? And did u ever look back and attempt to look for the peron on bus after u alighted from it? Here .. the way u act or actions u take actually shows the level of independence or dependence.... If u are the type who u will jus walk away and nv turn back, u are the type who is really independent in a relationship... and vice versa ... which type are u?
Have u ever turn back?

Posted by EXG at 3:58 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Thank u for showing me this email ....

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, 'Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.' The little girl said, 'No, Dad. You hold my hand.''What's the difference?' Asked the puzzled father. 'There's a big difference,' replied the little girl.'If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.'

A very touching passage ... really understand the meaning of holding hand ......

Posted by EXG at 11:20 PM

A Day Off

My Hair!!! suddenly feels like changing a new look so i went to the newly opened hair saloon near my house for a change ... i rebonded my hair err i think the process took about 2 hrs ... OMG i nearly fell asleep during the process lol .. dint really like my new hair style i think dun really suits me well ba.. Anyway i will live with it for a couple of mths and see how ...
Went to movie today... gave her afew choices, in the end we settled with 'Zack and Miri making porno' haha ... for thouse who have not watch the show i would recommend u not to watch it cos its like really waste of time ... after the show we went out from the entrance and manage to sneak into other theatres to watch another show haha .. i went in to the theate showing The Day Where The Earth Stood Still ..
Went to Chinatown for dinner after the show ... she wanted to eat frog or wad we call tian ji so ya we went Chinatown ... Sometimes the way she reply or say things can really put people off .. tried to ask her something the reply i got from her was really err ...... after the dinner where she really ate alot of frog haha, i suggested to walk to outram park station to take train ... guess wad? "Aiya Outram Station nearer to your house ma" !!! WTH she could have jus say lets take train somewhere else maybe Raffles instead of saying that line ... i was really put off at that moment dint wanna explain much ... anyway my intention was not to get closer to my house when i suggested outram ... in the end she took bus home while i stroll my way to outram ....
Always blamed for not communicating well ... Always say that she does'nt have a prob talking to frens NEITHER do I!!

Posted by EXG at 11:00 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It takes 2 hands to clap .... heard it from her ytd night and it sounded so familiar ... have i said this line to her before ???? seems like it .... she asked me "since you are so busy with your stuff ... y not we pause the relationship ...." hmm what is the meaning of pausing the R/S ? i really dunno. Is she trying to say that we shd end the relationship or is it .....
After listening to her speaking over the phone on how she feels i realised something .... something that i have not been thinking for the past couple of months .... "Complacency" just flash thru my mind ... Am i too complacent with this relationship? Or is it that i have pinned too high hope on this R/S from start and when it nv turn out to be wad i expected i started to take everything lightly ...
To give each other time to do wad he or she needs to do ?? Things can nv be finished .... pausing ... chances are it can nv be played or resumed again ...

Posted by EXG at 9:00 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Bad Weekend

Must be wondering y is it a bad weekend huh ... it has been quite sometime since i have a really nice and relaxing weekend .... Glad that RT is over ... but i have not clear the IPPT for the current year !!!! Haiz y do i have to take the test ?? so sian
Back to my BAD weekend .... Had a really bad diarrheal these 2 days and when i say bad i really mean it lol .... hmmm i think now i should really refrain from eating spicy food .. they can really cost my life haha not so serious la but certainly its a poison to me arhhh ... how can i not able to take spicy food when she is a spicy food lover ...
Had this Mac spicy from mac eh nono is the mega Mac Spicy ... Oooo Mac Spicy has always been my fav burger from Mac but everytime i eat it my tummy will start to play tricks on me ... This time A DOUBLE !!! Toilet became the most visited place for these 2 days shaggg !!! OK now i learned my lesson no more Mac Spicy for me again :-(

Posted by EXG at 12:20 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Looking forward to Dinner ....

Yes!! its thursday again which means that its the last work day of the week for me ... as for the others ... HAHA..
Ask her out tonight for dinner at Wasabi-Tei ... i guess this name is not unfamiliar amoung most of my frens ba ... this place has a greater meaning to me than to anyone else ... to others its juz a dining place but for me .....
How i got to know this place??
Weizhi who is classified as the most auntie-like fren of mine introduce this place to me 1 and a half years ago or izzit 2 haha cant really rmb ... of all his recommendations i think that this is the best ba althou he nv give many :) The food there is nice and the price is also quite affordable... However the service there is really lousy ... the chef who is also the boss there is armed with attitude problems but i dun really care la lol ... we are there for the food and not to make fren with him anyway...

Posted by EXG at 10:00 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Boring Day AT Work ...

Look at them so busy working .. hmm then wad m i doing? haha

Time really passes very slowly today ... i guess its because not many customer or is it for other reasons??? I was looking at the table calender, suddenly realise that 2008 is going to end and i have not start revising for my subjects yet .... started to get abit worried ...
Daren just told me that he will be taking the 30th flight back to SG ... Really feels like putting down everything and go for a short trip overseas arhhhhh !!!!!
I guess the thinking or should i say the hope of going on an overseas trip with her will not be realised anytime soon or in the near future...

Posted by EXG at 11:15 AM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

1st time clubbing experience

We went to St Jame power station ... or is it call power house ?? which ever it is , its my first clubbing experience ... sounds very noob right? haha
The moment i went in to 1 of the club at St James i had culture shock ... the music there was really very loud or should i say the noise there was really loud ... Derrick treated her and Chiang Hui a drink there with a very nice name called Waterfall ... Its does not only comes with a nice name, the drink is packed with punches... guess 1 sip for me is enough to kill me haha
Really enjoyed my night there and of cos will like to visit there again .....

Posted by EXG at 10:50 PM

Celebrating Bday with DC guild and DL clan

Before we set off for St James we took a group photo at Vivo .....

They bought a birthday cake for her .. hmmm funny cake ... after the birthday song she went on making her birthday wish ... hmmm ... i wonder wad she wished for ??? did she wish to be together with me forever ? haha

It was Fri 06/11/08 ... after Micro lesson we took our belongings to my house then we set off to Vivo City ... when we reached vivo , all of her secondary sch frens havd already reach the place that we are going to have our dinner - Marche .. Look at the spread on the table!!! I m Hungry haha ... it has been quite some time since i went Marche .. The food there was as nice as ever!!!

Posted by EXG at 10:30 PM

Dinner at Modesto

Her 22nd birthday present ... hope that she will like it
Look at the expression i think that the flash from the camera is too strong haha

How can i miss the chance to take a photo with this beauiful lady :)

Lastly is of cos the cake that i have prepared for her ... hmm really look delicious haha

Squid - Ink spaghetti (with tiger prawns and grilled scallop)

Linguine Alla Modesto (flat spaghetti with fresh prawns, squid, mussels, whole crab, anchovies, capers, olives, fresh tomatoes, garlic and white wine cooked in the traditional Italian Cartoccio style)

Calamari fritti

Posted by EXG at 9:45 PM

Her Birthday ....

Time really flies ... its has been 1 year since i met her in sch on the MM lecture ... Her schedule was really packed and i have to celebrate her birthday with her on the 5th ...

Time was still early so we went to Taka to buy some finger food and have a little photo taking session outside the toyshop on the 5th floor ....

Hmm ... First time in the year i see you putting make up ... wee wee

Posted by EXG at 9:00 PM

A Change of Image

Went to LJS for a drink after a long and tiring haircut session at WARS
Isn't that CUTE?? haha

Posted by EXG at 8:40 PM

My Birthday Gifts

Trucker cap with 'DarkBring' printed on it
Wads Darkbring ????

Hand Made Straw Flowers ..
Dint know she can actually make that HAHA

Posted by EXG at 8:30 PM

To the FLYERS !!!!!!!

High high into the sky!!! manage to take this sun set photo from the flyer .. i was abit surprise when i realise that she actually planned a sun set timing when the flyer reaches the highest point .. LDG did u study for ur exam?? haha

20/05 went to the flyers with LDG ... wads LDG?? haha ... It was 1 day before my birthday and my she plan this flyer trip for me ... feeling very touched but showed her an emo face ... stupid me!!! my birthday was in the midst of exam, despite the tight schedule she still plan so many things for me .. guess i will never ever forget this day ... Thank U :)

Posted by EXG at 8:00 PM

The Token Of Love

approaching 14/02 ... decided to make this little gift for my special one ...... went to Waraku on valentine's day night ... the queue was very long it was my mistake for not making a reservation on such an impt day haha.. during the waiting time i handed this little gift to her.
After the dinner , i send her home and held her hand when we were abt to reach her house .. thats how we got started :-)

Posted by EXG at 7:35 PM

Our First Movie ' Warlords'

First time asking her out for movie ... abit nervous Haha ... the show was good but nv really consider that some gals dislike this type of film .. she told me that the show was 'good' but i only got to know the fact when we are together lol

Posted by EXG at 6:50 PM

The Establisment of Dying Ducks

Why the Dying Ducks?
There was once we went to kbox at suntec together with one of my buddy weizhi... i decided to disturb her by tuning the key of 1 of the song to the highest key.. if i m not wrong i think the song should be 'Bei Ai De Nu Ren'... and guess wad happen? we heard squiking sounds instead of singing haha just like the sound of a dying duck ... this is how it came about lolx

Went to starbucks @ Suntec to revise for CF ..... After studying we decide to go to Miss Clarity for lunch .... We saw these duck stickers on the glass panel and suddenly thought of the Dying Ducks, so we decided to take a pic with the ducklings haha

Posted by EXG at 6:40 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008

Here is a brief description on how we 'Re-meet'

It all started 2 weeks before her birthday ... i was there attending the class of a very boring yes for sure a very boring lecturer. But according to her the lecturer is actually 'cute' haha ...

How we met ???
During the break of the lecture saw this very familiar face with each hand holding a piece of cake eating happily outside the LT ... wad catches my attention was someone actually like the food that the sch provides then ... haha.

When i take a close look at her, she is some1 i know but at that time i really cant remember her name..

A week later i saw her again in the same class and this time i made the effort in trying to ask her for her phone no. cos that will means that i will have companion during the following lectures haha.... The rest of the story would have been known by most of our frens le ...

Posted by EXG at 4:06 PM

The Start Of Our Journey ......

At work as usual ... Suddenly thought of setting up a blogspot to record down the journey or should i say the ups and downs that we have went thru together ...

Posted by EXG at 2:06 PM